C-Lab Creator and Notator are high quality music production packages which run on any Atari ST based computer with at least 1mb of memory and high resolution monitor

manual / dongle and disks.

Creator - £100     /     Notator - £150

Atari C Lab Creator Atari Cubase Atari C Lab Notator

The C-Lab Unitor C (Creator version) and Unitor N (Notator version) offered 2 additional midi IN/OUT ports and SMPTE time code

Dongle copy protection was incorporated into the original Unitor C and N. £90

Also available is the C-LAB Unitor 2 which has a slot for a dongle to be fitted - £90


The Steinberg Midex for use with Steinberg’s Cubase offered 4 additional Midi OUTputs and 2 additional Midi INputs along with 4 dongle slots for copy protected programs and SMPTE time code (Midex+ only).

Midex+ £110        

Emagic LOG 3 (includes Logic manuals & disks & Notator disks)  £200

Steinberg’s Cubase for the Atari ST based computer with at least 1mb memory (1040) and high resolution monitor was a very powerful music production tool and is still widely used today. Versions 2 and 3 available £200

There was also a Falcon version..

Cubase Audio 16 Falcon which took advantage of the Falcon’s audio capabilities, Full package & Steinberg F.D.I - £300

Atari Steinberg Midex
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